Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Journal 2 - the messy puppy

Once upon a time, in the small city of Springfield, there lived a little puppy named Sophie. Sophie was the sweetest puppy in the whole world and her owners loved her. She was only four months old, but she was already eighty pounds. She was a Great Dane, so this was very normal. Sophie's owners loved her very much. Sophie loved to snuggle, and her saggy skin made her even more adorable. The families next door also had dogs of their own, so Sophie was always taken over for puppy play dates. Her owners were very busy, so Sophie was often taken to one of the neighbors house so she would not be lonely. Although her owners loved her, the dogs of their neighbors did not like Sophie. Sophie was a messy puppy. Whenever the other dogs heard the owners talking outside of the door, or smelled Sophie's scent, they were instantly unhappy. Before the door opened and let the Great Dane in, the dogs would quickly run to find their toys, treats, blankets, anything that had any sort of special value, and hide them wherever they could. Sophie had a growing problem with being messy and playing with the other dog's toys too much. At first, the other dogs did not mind. She is just a puppy, they thought. She will learn someday. After so many play dates, the dogs realized that Sophie's behavior was not changing. One day, the dogs all gathered on the corner. They needed a way to make Sophie realize that she was ruining the fun and destroying their toys. Most of them had told her before, but Sophie was still a puppy so she had trouble listening. The dogs came up with a plan, which would have some consequences, but it was decided that it was better in the long run. They waited for an afternoon when Sophie's owner went on a walk, and crept into the house. In just a short amount of time, they had slobbered all over Sophie's toys, eaten her treats, and pottied in her yard. Sophie was passed out asleep in the front yard. She was woken up by the sound of her friends sprinting away from her house. Sophie was very upset about her things, especially her treats, but she understood what she had done. Deep down, she was also really mad. From then on, every time Sophie was dropped off next door, she was very careful with the other dogs' things. The end.

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