Sunday, August 21, 2011

Summer Work - Opinions

Another reason why I really, really did not like doing these blogs was the fact that I felt like I was repeating myself over and over and over again, and not just in a singular blog. I feel like every single one I did is exactly like that last one. I do not need three-hundred and twenty-five words or more to get my point across. I can do that in like three or four sentences, maybe ten sentences if you want to get crazy. There should have been more topics or structure to what we were supposed to write about instead of desperately babbling trying to get the last few words in. I could write more three hundred word blogs on how much I hated it than I could about the books we were supposed to read, and I actually read them! There was not enough structure in the directions of how to do them, so that leaves so much room for diversity in each students blogs. Is that what they are supposed to be about? That seems like it would be almost impossible to grade or talk about in class if everyone is talking about different things. I really hope that the blogs were allowed to be opinionated because that helped take up space. It is impossible to write fifty, three-hundred and twenty-five word blogs without your opinions mixed in. Otherwise, every single one of my blogs would have been a summary of the book I was writing about. I am very interested to see what happens to these blogs once school starts. How are we supposed to get graded on these, is it completion? In ways I think that is fair because they are all going to be so different, but it is not fair at all in other ways too. Some people did not even read the books so their blogs do not even make sense. It is definitely not reasonable to have the exact same grade as someone who slacked off when I actually read the books. Every aspect of the blogs is infuriating. Thank god I’m done.

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