Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Catcher in the Rye

I think that my least favorite part of the book The Catcher in the Rye by J.D Salinger was when Holden Caulfield, the main character, was with the prostitute in his hotel room. I think that is so disgusting and immature of a sixteen year old boy to try to get with a prostitute. What did he think was going to happen? I just thought the entire situation was very weird and awkward. I almost felt bad for the prostitute because Holden was being so weird about it in the beginning. I was relieved when Holden politely asked her if it was okay if they just sat and talked instead. This is the part that made me mad. Shouldn’t the prostitute been happy or relieved or the least bit appreciative at all? For goodness sake, she was a child herself and I am sure she did not feel good about herself. I can not imagine anyone who took part in such degrading acts would have very high self esteem. The prostitute was mad! Even after Holden said he would still pay her! I just did not understand where those feelings were coming from her. Her only concern was whether she was getting paid or not, no matter what she had to do to get paid. I just felt like she would have been more than happy to sit down and have a conversation with Holden. She acted like he was the weirdest person on the planet for not wanting her services. She did not even give Holden a chance to show her that he was a fairly descent guy and was not joking around. And then when Holden paid her exactly what the man in the elevator said, he got in trouble for it. I feel bad for him that he got scammed. Not only did he get scammed out of ten dollars, but also out of a friendly conversation that could have helped get rid of some of his depression.

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