Thursday, September 1, 2011

Journal 3- being held hostage

If I were being held hostage by an Indian tribe, like the one in the story we read, I feel like I would do something similar to the woman. I would do everything the people told me to do because I would be afraid of the consequences if I acted out against what they said. I would pretend to be content with what was going on, or fine with whatever they were making me do. Deep down, though, I would be very angry. The Indians would be taking me away from my family, my friends, my home, and everything I had ever come to know during my life. If they were nice, maybe it could be like a little adventure. Somewhere back in my line of family history, there is some connection with an Indian tribe. The Sioux tribe, if you want to get as accurate as possible. They would most likely not be the tribe kidnapping me, but it would still be kind of cool to see how they lived. When I was little, I used to be obsessed with the idea of Pocahontas. I thought she was the most beautiful person ever, and I always wanted to know if she ever stepped on anything as she was running through the woods without shoes on. I admired how majestic and free her life appeared to be. I would probably attempt to live like that if I could bored enough in my wigwam camp. I think the only thing that would make me not want to stay in the camp at all would be if sexually assaulted or something like that. Besides that, I could deal with physical labor or taking care of other Indians. I am a creature of adaptation, so I can usually deal with anything that is thrown at me. I honestly would not mind being an Indian for awhile, as long as I was fed properly and did not have to sleep on rocks. Bring it on, Indians.

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