Friday, September 16, 2011

Journal 8- autumn

I love autumn. I love everything about autumn. Autumn is my favorite time of year for many reasons. One of the reasons why I love autumn so much is the temperature. It is the perfect temperature because the weather is getting colder, and the humidity goes away. It is not as cold as winter, though. The sun is always bright and shining, which adds just enough warmth for comfort. The skies are clear all day and all night. When it is dark, every single star in the sky is twinkling and dancing in the blackness. Autumn is the best time of the year for bonfires. In the summer, it is too hot and sticky outside to have one. And there are too many bugs too. Autumn is cold enough to want to be near a fire and in a sweatshirt. Another thing that I especially love about autumn is that it brings so many fun things along with it. Homecoming is the in autumn! I can not wait for October 7th or whatever to come around!! I have had my dress since around Christmas time! I am so excited words can not even describe. I think all of my girls are going together. Autumn also brings apple cider. Apple cider and hot chocolate are absolutely PERFECT around this time. Anything that can make you warmer and is sweet and delicious is good at any time during the fall. Another thing autumn brings that I love is Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is by far my favorite holiday! So much food! Besides all of the fun things, like Homecoming, Thanksgiving, and different festivals, fall brings, I think that my favorite thing about it is that it brings the season of jeans. I always miss wearing jeans, and there is no better time than fall. They keep you just warm enough, but still let the cool, crisp air surround you.. in a good way :)

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