Monday, September 26, 2011

Journal 10- pursuading

There are many reasons why Mr. Langley should postpone the Vocabulary assignment until Wednesday, September 28. Setting aside all emotional reasons, like purely not wanting to do it because we are teenagers and hate homework, there are a few legitimately logic reasons why the assignment should be postponed. First of all, there are many student athletes in this class. Because of the amount of sports going on right now, there are a lot of practices and games that take place after school. Knowing from personal experience with playing volleyball after school, sometimes we do not get home until nine or ten o'clock at night. There is barely any time to get all of the homework done. The average junior probably has around three to four subjects of homework per night. Depending on the subjects, the students could be spending up to three hours on their homework. Adding the vocabulary assignment would just add the list. The students grade could be jeopardized because of this assignment. One of two things could happen. The student athlete with too much homework might be tempted to not get this particular assignment finished because they are too tired to get everything done. If they fall behind on their homework, their grade will suffer. Usually, if a student gets behind on homework, they are behind for a long time. It takes a lot of effort to get forward and catch up. All of that effort takes a lot of time, which like we have gone over, students athletes do not have a lot of. Mr. Langley should postpone the vocabulary assignment to Wednesday, September 28 because student athletes will not have time to do it. And if they do, it will not be done well.

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