Thursday, September 8, 2011

Journal 5- 21st century punishments

I think that the punishments are very different in the twentieth century than they were in the past. Because there is so much more technology these days, especially things that kids or teenagers have or are involved in, there is a lot more for parents to take away. Knowing from personal experience, this does not just include a cell phone. Parents (or at least mine) can take away the cell phones, the laptop, the iPods, and the TV. My little sister, Lily, is always getting grounded for having a snotty attitude. The first thing my parents go for is her cell phone. That seems to be the worst and the biggest punishment that they give her. It always makes her very upset, and I think that could be used as a generalization for the youth of today. Technology is such a huge role in our lives today, and it seems like sometimes we can not live without it. Our cell phones seem so important. I know that when I do not have my phone with me, I feel one of two things. I am either paranoid about not having it, or I am worried about someone not being able to get a hold of me. I would be worried about not being available to someone who needs me. My little sister, on the other hand, is basically the exact opposite. She has to have her phone with her twenty-four seven because she feels like she has to be talking to her friends. My parents feel like all she does is social network and text her friends, so it is their first instinct to take all of that away from her. Parents want to take away the things that make kids the happiest or most entertained, and in today's society, technology makes up most of that.

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