Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Journal 9- rational approaches

If I had to think of an emotional situation that was solved by a rational approach, I would have to use the time when my friends and I helped out another friend when she was having problems with her boyfriend. She was at my house with us, and it started out like normal girl hang outs do. We sat around, ate a ton of food, watched a few movies, and talked without fear of running out of things to talk about. In the middle of our endless talking, our friend (we will call her Karen...please look up Dane Cook's "Friend that Nobody Likes" skit) brought up her boyfriend. Being her friend at the time, I only wanted the best for Karen. I had never had very high opinion of her boyfriend. There were too many rumors that I personally knew were true, and they definitely were not in favor of him. Let's call him Kevin. Karen and Kevin were the worst couple in the whole entire world. They were so annoying together. Anyway, at my house, Karen brought up that she and Kevin were having some problems. My friend and I gave each other the "here we go" look. When were they not having problems. Apparently, Kevin had not been texting Karen back when he had told her he would, and he was going to a place where Karen believed he would get himself into trouble. All of a sudden, Karen bursted into tears. She ran into the other room where her phone was plugged into the charger in the wall. My friend and I ran after her, after a moments hesitation where we shared the mutual feeling of several things: being annoyed, and feeling like we have been through this more than a thousand times. She was calling Kevin, balling, and leaving him voicemails and texts. We were just sitting there looking at her, trying to give her our advice. She was so emotional it was ridiculous. You could definitely call it an emotional situation. My friend and I were attempting to bring the rational side with our advice. "Karen, seriously stop calling him. He'll call you back later. He is probably busy." "Okay...Kevin if you do not call me back the next time I call we are DONE." I guess it was a failed attempt, but my friend and I tried to be rational, but we ended up being mad.

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