Monday, November 21, 2011

Journal #18- autumn

In my opinion, the perfect autumn day includes many things.  Each of the things that make a perfect autumn day can be related to all five of the sense.  A perfect autumn day would have plenty of sunshine.  The sun would warm you up just enough so that the crisp, chilly wind does not make you shivery cold.  The leaves have turned colors.  They are to the point where they are colors such as red, orange, and yellow, but not quite to where they are brown and falling off the trees.  I think that the changing leaves on the trees is the most beautiful part of this season.  On the perfect autumn day, I picture going to some sort of outdoor festival.  Last year, and in years before, I went to the outdoor art festival.  It was perfect because the weather was gorgeous, and they were serving things like hot chocolate and pumpkin pie.  When I think of autumn, I also think of the tastes.  This would include things like caramel apples, pumpkin pie, hot apple cider, and hot chocolate.  Those are the main staples of this season, but other foods could include turkey, stuffing, mash potatoes, and anything else that you would normally eat on the holiday of Thanksgiving.  Thanksgiving is coming up!!  Only a few more days until my favorite time of the year!!  Autumn brings Thanksgiving, which in turn brings family together.  I love this time of year because I get to see members of my family that I do not see very often.  I love autumn!

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