Thursday, November 17, 2011

Journal #17- nature

At time when I was bonding with nature?  That is pretty much my entire childhood.  I was such a tomboy back then!  I used to spend all of my time outside, and I would always wish I could be like Pocahontas and run around without shoes on and not step on anything or hurt my feet.  I was also a huge fan of anything that had to do with history.  I remember when I was very little, we lived in Carlinville, Illinois.  Our house had a very big front yard and we lived out in the country.  There was a very big tree in the very front and I remember thinking it was the coolest thing ever.  It was absolutely huge and there was a little space at the bottom of the tree where my little self could fit.  I called it my Secret Tree.....I was also very weird.  I do not remember a specific time where I bonded with nature, but if we can include pets and animals under the nature category then I guess I will just talk about that.  I sound really dumb for separating my words, but I just want to take up as much words as I possibly can.  I have always loved animals.  It does not matter what kind, any animal has a place in my heart.  I am such a sap sometimes.  When I was five years old, we got our first Great Dane.  We grew up together, and I can honestly say I will never have another dog (or friend...awww) that I will love as much as I loved Elke.  I miss you, old girl.

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