Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Journal #14- aprentice for Ben Franklin

If I were the apprentice for Benjamin Franklin for a day, I feel like I would have the best day ever.  Ben Franklin is one of the most genius people in American history, and the things he did every day must have been so interesting.  I can imagine that such a smart man would need fuel for his brain to get through the day, so the first thing we would do together is get breakfast.  I know for sure that I would have french toast, scrambled eggs, an English muffin with strawberry jelly, bacon and a tall glass of hot chocolate.  I do not know much about Ben Franklin's personal taste, but I can picture him having something similar to me.  Maybe a stack of pancakes smothered in butter and maple syrup, eggs sunny side up, and a lot of sausage.  He needed brain power!  After our very hearty breakfast, we would go out into town and visit the important people that we needed to discuss things with.  Maybe we would stop by Thomas Jefferson's house and pay him a visit.  This would be around the time that the Declaration of Independence was being finalized.  We would definitely be going to the Constitutional Convention and trying to work out some decisions with the other people of importance.  Some of these people would include Thomas Jefferson, Hamilton, and many others.  I would definitely run up to Thomas Jefferson and shake his hand because he was a Democratic Republican.  In history class we had a debate between the Federalists and the Democratic Republicans, and I am very happy to say that I am totally with the Democratic Republicans.  I love Thomas Jefferson!  Honestly, I can not remember which side Ben Franklin was with, but I do not care.  I still love him and would love to be his apprentice.  I think that it would be so sweet to go back in time and be able to meet all of the amazing and intelligent people who were so influential on our country.

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