Thursday, October 13, 2011

Journal 12- rules

If I were to make up my own rules about right and wrong, I could fill an entire series of encyclopedias.  My first rule about what is considered right and wrong would be "always be hones."  In my complete and serious opinion, honesty is ALWAYS the best policy.  I absolutely hate when people are not honest, and I really think that there is no need for it.  In Sliferville, aka Princesstown, honesty is the only policy.  If anyone chooses to lie in my town, there will be extremely bad consequence.  Lying is a sin and no matter what you believe in, there will always be something bad.  Nothing good ever comes of out of lying, especially in my theoretical town.  Another rule in my town would be to always try to look your best.  I know it is a little superficial, but I think it is kind of disrespectful and gross when people walk around after they had literally just rolled out of bed.  Like really, can you not take a shower or something?  Or change clothes?  I guess a better rule would be you are required to take a shower every single day.  The citizens of Princesstown are going to be well known and famous for being clean and not smelly horrible.  The person who smells disgusting will get kicked out if they do not shower after the first warning.  You do not have to be pretty to live in Princesstown, just try to keep yourself cleaned up.  It is completely wrong to let yourself go and be gross for other people to see and smell you.  Another rule that I would enforce would be to always be positive.  My biggest pet peeve is when people have negative attitudes.  When you are negative, it effects the people around you.  Princesstown is supposed to be a friendly and cheerful place.  There is a zero tolerance policy on being negative.  No one likes it because it it the most annoying, selfish thing on the planet.  Princesstown will be the happiest place on earth. <3

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