Thursday, October 13, 2011

Journal 11- aphorism

Aphorisms are defined as "a short, pointed statement that expresses a wise or clever observation about human experience."  One aphorism I found that I particularly thought was enjoyable was "efficiency is intelligent laziness."  I think that these words of David Dunham very much explain human nature.  Human beings are generally pretty lazy.  The only reason why technology and new discoveries are made is because we are lazy and simply trying to make our lives easier than what they are.  If you think back even only one hundred years ago, there are so many things that we have now that have been invented for the specific reason of making the human life much easier and more convenient.  There are many examples of this.  One would be the very laptop I am writing this blog on.  I really liked using laptops until I came into this class and that was the only thing that we worked on.  That invention could have been skipped or overlooked.  Another invention that was not invented one hundred years ago was the cell phone.  My cell phone is pretty much my entire life, and I am sure that I can speak for the rest of the teenage and young adult possible.  I definitely think that the cell phone is a good example of the aphorism "efficiency is intelligent laziness."  Before even the regular phone was made, the people's only form of communication was one of a few things; either word of mouth, by letter, or you had to tell the person the information directly face to face.  Another big example that I just now thought of is fast food.  How lazy does our society have to be to invent food that you have to eat on the go!  No wonder we are so fat!  I think that David Dunham was spot on when he came up with that aphorism.  It explains our society exactly, in many good and bad ways.  There are mostly bad though I think.

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