Sunday, July 31, 2011

Grapes of Wrath

If I had to rate the novel Grapes of Wrath by John Stienbeck and Robert DeMott on a five star scale, I would definitely give a solid four. I decided to give this book a very high rating because I really enjoyed reading it. It was such a good story, and the history behind it is amazing. History is one of my absolute favorite subjects, so reading Grapes of Wrath was not difficult for me. One of the reasons that lead me to give this novel a great rating was the characters. All of them, even the ones that are not supposed to be, are very likable and it is easy to get wrapped up in their feelings and situations. That is why I think this book was so well written. Not all stories have characters like this that entice you and get the reader so into the plot they feel like they are living as a part of it. When Tom Joad realizes that his family is not at their original home, the reader hopes for him that he will find them before they make their way to California, where he might not ever be able to see them again. When Rose of Sharon is scared by the woman's story about the girl's dead baby, the reader prays to God that Rose of Sharon's baby is born a healthy and happy child. The reader appreciates the characters and goes on the journey with them. I, while reading Grapes of Wrath, found myself anticipating the Joad family's arrival to California. I so badly wanted them to find work quickly so they could have the little white house that they dreamed and hoped for. I guess I just really liked how into the story I got, which led me to give it the highest rating I thought was worthy. It would have been a perfect five star rating, but I felt that the plot was a little dull at some parts. I stilled loved this book very much.

Steinbeck, John, and Robert J. DeMott. The Grapes of Wrath. New York: Penguin, 2006.

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