Friday, October 21, 2011

Journal 13- American Dream

I think that the American Dream in the present day should be similar to the original American Dream that was created in the early nineteen-fifties.  Back then, the American Dream was to have the perfect family, in the perfect house, in the perfect neighborhood, with other perfect necessities.  The perfect family was considered pretty kids, who had very good manners and were well behaved.  I think the parents wanted the children to be considered perfect because they thought that the kids were portraying them and their way of life.  I think the parents back then were very concerned with what other people thought of them.  If their children were misbehaved, the parents by be accused of not bringing them up properly.  The perfect house of the American Dream was considered the “cookie-cutter” house that was located in the suburbs.  I do not think that that is the same as what is considered the American Dream in the present day.  Nowadays, I think that there are two different kinds of houses that can fit the mold of the modern American Dream.  The first would be the biggest house ever.  I think that all Americans dream of having the biggest, most beautiful house in the neighborhood.  This would show society that they have good taste and enough money to have good taste.  The second option for the American Dream home would be the most unique house ever.  I think that this is the total opposite of the nineteen-fifties version of the American Dream.  Back then, the Dream was to be like everyone else.  If you were out of the ordinary, you were considered weird.  In the present day, it’s like the weirder your house is (weird in a tasteful way, if that can make any sense), the more popular and desired it will be.  Now, the American Dream is to have a very high paying job so you can have things that are high quality.  This would include name brand clothes, expensive cars, big houses, and a very good education at a well known, expensive school.

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