Monday, July 25, 2011

Grapes of Wrath

The novel Grapes of Wrath completely reflects history, behavior and social issues of the nineteen-thirties because it is historical fiction. It tells the story of what happened to so many hundreds of thousands of farmers when the Dust Bowl killed the crops. Although the characters and the plot are made up, it mentions real places and is based off of true stories. By giving miniature side stories in the middle of the main plot, the reader is able to see the general perspective from the farmers. It is not focusing on the specific character, which does two things. One, it gives the reader a better picture, background, and idea of the lifestyle of the people who went through this. Two, the side stories solidify the fact that this is historical fiction and not just made up. The things in the story happened to real people. Some parts are hard to believe, but by giving numerous perspectives it is easier for the reader to totally understand what is going on. I think that knowing that the plot actually happened to a family gives the reader more attachment and emotions to the story. It is almost like the reader is feeling the emotions of the families. The desperation of the farmers when the bank is kicking them off of their land makes you want the businessmen to let them stay. The reader feels for the hearts being broken. When the farmers realize the work situation in California and how they are getting deliberately ripped of, the reader can feel as well as shares the anger and the loss of hope. You just want them to get through it. I think the books symbolic and thematic significance is to simply make people aware of what happened in this period of time. Because it is historical fiction, there is really no lesson to be learned besides to be happy with what you have and don't take life for granted.

Steinbeck, John, and Robert J. DeMott. The Grapes of Wrath. New York: Penguin, 2006.

1 comment:

  1. One of the great things this book does through the character descriptions and themes you mentioned in earlier posts is to allow you to see what it was like during this time in history. Great connection!

    Update to include MLA citations.
