Friday, December 9, 2011

Journal 20- Autumn

For today's journal, we are supposed to read the poem Autumn by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.  This poem is about the beauty of autumn when it comes around every time of year.  This poem definitely reflects the Romanticism period for many reasons.  The first reason is because it talks a lot about nature, which was very prevalent during this time period.  Henry Wadsworth Longfellow is talking about how everything gets harvested in the fall, and how nature turns golden with the changing leaves.  It is really hard to write another journal about autumn because that season has come and gone, and it is already winter.  It actually snowed last night and there is still snow on the ground.  It is officially no longer autumn anymore.  I should probably get back to the point of this journal so I can get my points for the day.  Another reason why this poem reflects the Romanticism period is because it is not very rational, like when he mentions the hand that casts over the fields for the harvests.  We can compare that to the Rationalist period because it is pretty much the exact opposite.  This is all about feeling of happiness and joy that the season is changing, and it is describing how beautiful it is.  That is basically what the entire Romanticism period was all about.  I really wish this journal would write itself because I accidentally exited out of the poem tab and I do not know how to get back to it.  I am such an idiot sometimes.  I think for the rest of this journal I will just talk about the characteristics of the Romanticism period.  One characteristic is the love for nature.  It really never talked about anything man made because nature is pure, and it focused on how people should take after that.  When you die, you eventually become part of nature, so you might as well live peacefully with nature.

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